The Sage Steeps
Our inner sage is lost in the crags and twists of a distant mountain range. With a proper bowl of tea, the clouds part and we see her there alone and free on the clifftop—free to roam the great drift and doubt. Through tea we soar to the places not reachable by ordinary paths. The calligraphy here reads “The clouds part to reveal the full moon,” which is an old Zen phrase referring to enlightenment. It suits the full moon of the painting—a moon that reflects the light of the world. This was painted with aged sheng puerh blended into the black ink.
Our inner sage is lost in the crags and twists of a distant mountain range. With a proper bowl of tea, the clouds part and we see her there alone and free on the clifftop—free to roam the great drift and doubt. Through tea we soar to the places not reachable by ordinary paths. The calligraphy here reads “The clouds part to reveal the full moon,” which is an old Zen phrase referring to enlightenment. It suits the full moon of the painting—a moon that reflects the light of the world. This was painted with aged sheng puerh blended into the black ink.
Our inner sage is lost in the crags and twists of a distant mountain range. With a proper bowl of tea, the clouds part and we see her there alone and free on the clifftop—free to roam the great drift and doubt. Through tea we soar to the places not reachable by ordinary paths. The calligraphy here reads “The clouds part to reveal the full moon,” which is an old Zen phrase referring to enlightenment. It suits the full moon of the painting—a moon that reflects the light of the world. This was painted with aged sheng puerh blended into the black ink.