Gravity Brews
This single brush stroke happened in a breath. The tea then tumbles down this breath, as all good tea brewing should. The best tea pours itself, flowing and tumbling from seed to sprout, sprout to tree to leaf, and from leaf to bowl... We are also this flow, from stars to minerals, earth and rain to eyes and painting… This was painted using a shou puerh tea mixed into the ink.
This single brush stroke happened in a breath. The tea then tumbles down this breath, as all good tea brewing should. The best tea pours itself, flowing and tumbling from seed to sprout, sprout to tree to leaf, and from leaf to bowl... We are also this flow, from stars to minerals, earth and rain to eyes and painting… This was painted using a shou puerh tea mixed into the ink.
This single brush stroke happened in a breath. The tea then tumbles down this breath, as all good tea brewing should. The best tea pours itself, flowing and tumbling from seed to sprout, sprout to tree to leaf, and from leaf to bowl... We are also this flow, from stars to minerals, earth and rain to eyes and painting… This was painted using a shou puerh tea mixed into the ink.